ASSA-i joins the Global Aviation and Airspace Staff Taskforce - GAAST

ASSA-i has been invited to join this initiative, which was launched at the beginning of 2024.

What is GAAST and what are their objectives?

GAAST is a pioneering initiative uniting industry and government from across the work to address the workforce challenges facing aviation and aerospace. It considers workforce issues from all sectors of aviation including airports, airlines, ground handlers, maintenance organizations, manufacturers and governments. 

GAAST is a collaborative group, drawing from industry associations, likeminded non-profit organizations and individual companies engaged in aviation workforce and representatives from governments and regulators.

The taskforce is open to members of the aviation and aerospace industry and governments/regulators who are engaged in issues of workforce and social sustainability.


GAAST created 5 worsktreams, of which 2 that ASSA-i decided to contribute to, respectively on Retention and development (WS3) and on the Evolution of work in the industry (WS5).